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I Could Do Anything If I Knew What It Was by Barbara Sher helps readers discover their true passions and career paths. Sher offers practical advice and engaging exercises to overcome self-doubt and societal pressures. She guides readers through self-discovery to identify their strengths and interests. With motivational insights and actionable steps, this book empowers you to pursue a fulfilling life by finding and following your true calling.

Self Help

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I Could Do Anything: If I Only Knew What It Was





I Could Do Anything If I Knew What It Was by Barbara Sher helps readers discover their true passions and career paths. Sher offers practical advice and engaging exercises to overcome self-doubt and societal pressures. She guides readers through self-discovery to identify their strengths and interests. With motivational insights and actionable steps, this book empowers you to pursue a fulfilling life by finding and following your true calling.

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Book Summary

About the book

I Could Do Anything If I Knew What It Was by Barbara Sher is a guide for anyone feeling lost or unsure about their true passions. Sher, a career coach and bestselling author, presents a practical, down-to-earth approach to finding your life's calling. She explores common obstacles people face when discovering their true desires and offers strategies to overcome them.

The book is packed with engaging exercises, real-life examples, and insightful advice to help readers identify their strengths and interests. Sher emphasizes the importance of self-discovery and encourages readers to break free from conventional paths that might not align with their true selves. She also addresses the fear of failure and the societal pressures that often cloud one's judgment.

Sher’s friendly, motivational style helps readers clarify their goals and develop actionable plans to pursue them. Whether you're stuck in a career rut or simply curious about exploring new possibilities, this book provides a roadmap to understanding what you truly want out of life and how to achieve it. It's a call to embrace your potential and take bold steps toward a fulfilling future.

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