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Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert explores the complexities of human happiness and challenges our assumptions about what truly makes us happy. Through engaging anecdotes and scientific research, Gilbert reveals the flaws in our ability to predict our own happiness and highlights the role of cognitive biases in shaping our happiness judgments. By understanding these limitations and embracing a more present-focused mindset, readers can gain valuable insights into finding genuine happiness and contentment in life. download free ebooks on


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Stumbling on Happiness






"Stumbling on Happiness" by Daniel Gilbert explores the complexities of human happiness and challenges our assumptions about what truly makes us happy. Through engaging anecdotes and scientific research, Gilbert reveals the flaws in our ability to predict our own happiness and highlights the role of cognitive biases in shaping our happiness judgments. By understanding these limitations and embracing a more present-focused mindset, readers can gain valuable insights into finding genuine happiness and contentment in life.

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Book Summary

About the book

"Stumbling on Happiness" by Daniel Gilbert is a captivating exploration of human happiness and the many ways our minds often misjudge what will make us truly happy. Gilbert, a renowned psychologist, challenges the conventional wisdom surrounding happiness and delves into the quirks and biases of human psychology. Drawing on extensive research and engaging anecdotes, the book offers valuable insights into the complexities of human happiness and provides practical strategies for navigating the pursuit of happiness.

Gilbert reveals that our ability to imagine and predict future happiness is often flawed, leading to inaccurate assumptions about what will make us happy. He explores the impact of memory, perception, and imagination on our subjective well-being and challenges the notion that we are good at knowing what will truly bring us happiness.

Through a blend of scientific findings and relatable examples, Gilbert presents a compelling case for understanding the limitations of our own minds when it comes to predicting happiness. He highlights the role of social comparison, adaptation, and our tendency to rationalize our choices as factors that influence our perception of happiness.

"Stumbling on Happiness" provides thought-provoking insights into the human mind and the biases that shape our happiness judgments. Gilbert suggests that true happiness lies in embracing uncertainty, letting go of regret, and focusing on the present moment rather than constantly chasing future happiness.

Overall, "Stumbling on Happiness" is a captivating and informative book that challenges our preconceived notions about happiness. Gilbert's accessible writing style and thought-provoking research make it a valuable read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of human happiness and finding contentment in life. By shedding light on the quirks of our minds, Gilbert empowers readers to make more informed choices and cultivate a deeper sense of well-being.

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