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Panchatantra: The Cunning Rabbit

A clever rabbit outsmarts a mighty lion to save the forest. Can brains beat brawn?

Animal Stories



A clever rabbit outsmarts a mighty lion to save the forest. Can brains beat brawn?

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Panchatantra: The Cunning Rabbit
00:00 / 04:12

In a vibrant forest, the animals lived in constant fear. A fierce lion had moved into their home and began causing trouble. Every day, he roared so loudly that the ground seemed to shake. The animals were terrified.

One day, as the sun was shining bright, the animals gathered near the old banyan tree. “We need a plan,” said Gopi, the wise old tortoise. “This lion will not stop until he has eaten us all.”

Nearby, a small rabbit named Raju was hopping along the forest path. Raju was known for his quick wit and cleverness. He overheard the animals talking and had a bright idea.

“I have a plan!” Raju said, hopping up to the group. “We can trick the lion into jumping into the old well near the edge of the forest.”

The animals looked at him with curious eyes. “How will we do that?” asked a young deer, eager for a solution.

Raju’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “I’ll handle it,” he said confidently. “Just follow my lead.”

Later that afternoon, Raju approached the lion’s den. The lion was lounging in the sun, stretching his powerful limbs. “Hello, mighty lion!” Raju called out cheerfully. “I’ve heard so much about your strength and bravery. I wonder if you’d like to test it against something even greater.”

The lion, intrigued, lifted his head and stared at Raju. “What could possibly be greater than me?”

Raju smiled and said, “There’s an old well nearby that is said to have magical properties. It’s believed that whoever jumps into it will gain even more power.”

The lion’s eyes glinted with interest. “Magic, you say? I would love to see this for myself.”

Raju led the lion to the well, which was hidden behind some thick bushes. The well was deep, and its walls were steep and slippery. Raju pointed at the well and said, “Look into the well and you will see your reflection. If you jump in, you will become the most powerful creature in the forest.”

The lion was eager to prove his might. He peered into the well and saw his own reflection staring back at him. “I’m ready to show how powerful I am,” the lion roared. Without another word, he jumped into the well.

Splash! The lion landed in the water with a huge splash. He tried to climb out, but the walls were too steep, and the water was too deep. The lion’s powerful paws slipped on the wet sides of the well.

Raju scampered back to the animals, who were anxiously waiting. “The lion is trapped in the well!” Raju announced with a big grin. “He can’t get out!”

The animals let out a collective cheer. “You did it, Raju! You saved us all!”

The forest erupted in celebration. They danced and sang, grateful for Raju’s cleverness. The wise tortoise Gopi said, “Raju, you’ve shown us that sometimes, brains are mightier than brawn. You have saved us all from the lion’s terror.”

As days passed, the forest returned to its peaceful state. The lion, meanwhile, remained stuck in the well. The animals continued their lives without fear, enjoying the safety that Raju’s clever plan had provided.

Raju became a hero among the forest animals. They learned a valuable lesson that day: even the mightiest creatures can be outwitted by a clever mind. The lion, on the other hand, stayed in the well, unable to escape his own pride.

The forest flourished with joy and harmony, all thanks to the quick-thinking rabbit. The animals were no longer afraid, and Raju was celebrated as the cleverest creature in the land.

And so, the animals lived happily ever after, their days filled with laughter and peace. The lion’s roars were no longer heard, and the forest thrived once more, a testament to the power of intelligence over brute strength.

The end.



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