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Cherry tales by bookdio.

The Brave Little Snail

A tiny snail embarks on a brave journey to find the tallest flower. Join him as he meets friends and faces unexpected twists!




A tiny snail embarks on a brave journey to find the tallest flower. Join him as he meets friends and faces unexpected twists!

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Audio Story


The Brave Little Snail
00:00 / 05:28

Once upon a time, in a quiet garden filled with colorful flowers and soft green grass, lived a friendly beetle named Benny. Benny was shiny and black with tiny spots on his back. Every morning, Benny woke up early and rolled little seeds into his nest. He loved helping his friends and always smiled at everyone he met.

One sunny day, Benny was busy rolling a big seed when his friend, Bella the Butterfly, flew down. Bella was a bright, beautiful butterfly with purple wings that sparkled in the sun. She loved to flutter around, saying hello to all her friends.

"Good morning, Benny!" Bella chirped happily, landing on a nearby leaf. "What are you doing today?"

Benny looked up, smiling. “Hello, Bella! I’m just collecting seeds. What about you?”

Bella flapped her wings gently. “I’m looking for the prettiest flower to rest on. Have you seen any tall flowers today?”

Benny scratched his head with his tiny leg. “Hmm, I haven’t. But maybe we’ll see one if we look around.”

Just then, they heard a soft voice behind them. “Hello, Benny! Hello, Bella!”

It was Sammy the Snail, the smallest and slowest friend in the garden. Sammy had a tiny, shiny shell that glimmered under the sunlight. He moved slowly but always looked around carefully, never missing a thing.

“Hi, Sammy!” said Bella. “We’re looking for a tall flower. Do you want to join us?”

Sammy smiled shyly. “Oh, I’d love to! I’ve never seen the tallest flower before.”

The three friends started their journey through the garden, enjoying the warm sun and the soft breeze. Benny rolled his seed, Bella fluttered her wings, and Sammy slowly moved along the path, leaving a tiny trail behind him.

As they walked, Benny noticed something. “Hey, look over there!” Benny pointed with his tiny leg. “Is that a tall flower?”

They all looked. But the flower Benny pointed to was only a little taller than the rest.

“Not quite,” Bella giggled. “But it’s pretty!”

They kept going. Suddenly, Bella flew higher and saw something exciting. “I think I see it! I think I see the tallest flower!” Bella twirled in the air, fluttering with excitement.

“Where?” asked Benny, peeking around a bush.

“It’s way over there, near the big rock!” Bella pointed with her wing.

Sammy looked at the big rock far, far away. It seemed so far that he wasn’t sure he could make it. “That’s really far,” Sammy whispered. “But I want to see it.”

Benny patted Sammy gently. “Don’t worry, Sammy. We’re all together!”

The three friends moved closer, slowly but surely. They passed more flowers, and the grass got taller. Suddenly, they reached a small puddle. Benny and Bella crossed easily, but Sammy stopped, worried.

“I don’t know how to get across,” Sammy said, looking at the water.

Bella fluttered beside him. “You can do it, Sammy! Just take it slow.”

Sammy took a deep breath, stretched out his tiny foot, and slowly crossed the puddle. His friends cheered when he reached the other side.

“You did it!” Benny said happily.

Sammy smiled proudly. “I did!”

They finally reached the big rock, and there, standing tall and proud, was the tallest flower they had ever seen. Its petals were bright pink, reaching high into the sky.

“Wow!” Sammy gasped. “It’s beautiful.”

Bella landed softly on one of the petals. “We found it!” she said, twirling in delight.

Benny looked at Sammy. “See, Sammy? You’re braver than you think!”

But just then, something unexpected happened. The flower began to sway! It wobbled and tilted, and suddenly, a tiny bee flew out from its petals. The bee looked startled, buzzing loudly.

“Who’s shaking my flower?” the bee asked, looking around.

Bella fluttered away quickly, and Benny stepped back. But Sammy stayed still, looking up at the bee.

“Sorry, Mr. Bee,” Sammy said calmly. “We didn’t mean to scare you. We just wanted to see the tallest flower.”

The bee looked at Sammy, surprised. “Oh, it’s okay! I’m just not used to visitors. It’s nice to have company.”

The bee and Sammy chatted, and soon, they were all laughing together. The bee even showed them how the flower swayed in the wind, making it seem like it was dancing.

As the sun started to set, the friends knew it was time to go back home. They said goodbye to the bee and started their journey back through the garden. This time, Sammy led the way, feeling braver and happier than ever.

When they finally reached home, Sammy looked back at the path they had traveled. “I never thought I could do it,” he said softly.

Benny nodded. “You’re the bravest snail I know.”

Bella fluttered around him. “You were amazing, Sammy! We couldn’t have done it without you.”

Sammy smiled, feeling warm and proud. “Thank you, friends. I’m glad we did it together.”

And with that, the three friends said goodnight, each going to their cozy little homes, ready for a good night’s sleep. The garden was calm, and the stars twinkled above, shining down on the brave little snail who had found the tallest flower.

The End



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