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Cherry tales by bookdio.

The Cat and the Bell

The mice plan to outsmart a sneaky cat, but not all plans are easy to pull off.

Animal Stories



The mice plan to outsmart a sneaky cat, but not all plans are easy to pull off.

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The Cat and the Bell
00:00 / 06:22

“Guys, this cat is going to eat us all!” squeaked Mohan, the tiniest mouse, shaking his head dramatically. He stood on an overturned spoon in the dimly lit kitchen, where a dozen mice were gathered, eyes wide and ears perked.

Chintu, the oldest mouse with a bent tail, nodded. “Yeah, it’s like, every time we step out, boom, she’s there! Creeping like she owns the place.”

“She does own the place, Chintu,” mumbled Meera, fiddling with her whiskers. “It’s her house.”

The cat, lounging on the window sill, stretched lazily. She looked harmless, but every mouse knew better. With her sleek fur and sharp claws, she had been a menace to the mice community for weeks. The pantry, usually their snack spot, was now a danger zone.

Mohan looked around, his tiny heart thumping. “We need to do something. We can’t keep living in fear. Who’s with me?”

Mice exchanged glances, some nodding, others just nibbling nervously on the breadcrumbs scattered on the floor. Rohan, a rather plump mouse with a reputation for good ideas (and good food), piped up, “Let’s just avoid her. We can sneak around when she’s napping.”

“Yeah, great plan, genius,” sneered Karan, rolling his eyes. “And what happens when she’s not napping, huh? You got a backup for that?”

Rohan scratched his head. “Uhh... hide?”

Karan groaned. “Hide? That’s your big idea? No wonder you got caught in the cheese trap last week.”

Rohan crossed his arms, cheeks puffing. “Hey, that cheese looked really good.”

Mohan jumped off the spoon, pacing back and forth. “We need something more solid. Something to warn us when she’s around.”

Meera suddenly perked up, her eyes brightening. “What if we, like, put a bell on her? You know, so we can hear her sneaking around?”

Silence. Every mouse stared at Meera. The idea was brilliant, but it was also crazy.

“A bell?” Mohan’s eyes widened. “That’s... that’s actually genius. We’ll know exactly where she is!”

Chintu nodded slowly. “Yeah, but... who’s gonna bell the cat?”

The room fell quiet. The plan was set, but the execution? Not so much. Every mouse glanced nervously at each other, waiting for someone to volunteer. Mohan took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment.

“Okay, okay, let’s not chicken out now,” Mohan said, trying to sound braver than he felt. “We need someone fast, someone smart...”

“And someone with a death wish,” muttered Karan under his breath.

Mohan ignored him, turning to Rohan. “Rohan, you’re the fastest. And you’ve got that quick reflex thing going on.”

Rohan gulped, looking at the cat, who was now lazily licking her paw. “Uh... yeah, no. I’m fast, but I’m not suicidal.”

Karan snickered. “Told ya.”

Mohan rubbed his paws together, thinking hard. “We can’t back down. If we pull this off, we’re free. No more sneaking, no more hiding. We can rule this place.”

The mice murmured in agreement. It was risky, but the reward was too tempting. Finally, Mohan took a deep breath. “Alright, I’ll do it.”

Every mouse’s jaw dropped. Even Karan looked impressed for a second. “Whoa, Mohan. Didn’t peg you as the brave type.”

Mohan shrugged, trying to hide his fear. “Yeah, well, someone’s gotta do it.”

The plan was set. The mice found an old bell in the storeroom, tied it to a thin thread, and waited for the perfect moment. The cat was dozing, half asleep in the afternoon sun, her tail flicking lazily.

Mohan crept forward, every step slow and deliberate. The kitchen seemed huge, and every creak of the floor felt like a thunderclap in his ears. But he kept going, eyes fixed on the cat’s collar.

Closer... closer...

Just as Mohan reached the cat, Felix, the family dog, burst into the room, barking like a maniac. The cat jolted awake, her eyes blazing as she hissed at the dog, swiping her claws. Mohan froze, barely inches from her.

Felix’s sudden entrance turned into pure chaos. The cat scrambled up the counter, knocking over jars and utensils, while the mice scattered in every direction. Mohan dove behind a cereal box, heart pounding, the bell still clutched in his paws.

When the dust settled, the cat was gone, chased off by Felix’s noisy intrusion. Mohan returned to the group, panting and empty-handed.

“Well, that went well,” Karan said sarcastically, but with a hint of relief.

Mohan chuckled, holding up the bell. “Hey, at least I tried.”

Chintu smiled, patting Mohan on the back. “It’s the thought that counts, right? We’ll figure something else out.”

The mice laughed, the tension breaking. Sure, the cat was still around, but so were they. And as long as they stuck together, they could handle whatever came their way.

Mohan glanced at the bell, tossing it aside. “Next time, we make a plan that doesn’t involve almost getting eaten.”

“Yeah, agreed,” Rohan grinned, munching on a stray cheese puff. “But hey, props to you, Mohan. You got guts.”

The mice returned to their little hideouts, chattering and joking, each more confident than before. They hadn’t won the battle, but they’d learned something more valuable—courage wasn’t just about being brave. Sometimes, it was about trying, even when you were scared.

And maybe, just maybe, that was enough.



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