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Cherry tales by bookdio.

The Clever Crow

Coco the Crow faces a tricky problem with a half-empty pot. Can his cleverness save the day?

Animal Stories



Coco the Crow faces a tricky problem with a half-empty pot. Can his cleverness save the day?

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Audio Story


The Clever Crow
00:00 / 04:30

Coco the Crow flew down to the clay pot in the village square. It was a hot day, and there was only a little water left in the pot. Coco couldn’t reach it with his beak. He flapped his wings and pecked at the pot, trying to get to the water. “This is so annoying!” Coco squawked, feeling frustrated.

Nearby, Nimmi the Squirrel scampered across the dusty road. She saw Coco struggling and stopped to watch. “What’s the matter, Coco?” Nimmi asked, her bushy tail twitching with curiosity.

Coco looked up at Nimmi with a sigh. “I’m really thirsty, but the water in this pot is too low for me to reach. I don’t know what to do.”

Nimmi thought for a moment, her tiny paws tapping on the ground. “Why don’t you ask the villagers for help? They might have a way to get the water for you.”

Coco shook his head. “The villagers are too busy with their work. I need to figure this out on my own. I don’t want to bother them.”

Just then, Kavi the Owl, known for his wisdom, flew down from a tall tree and landed gracefully on a nearby branch. He noticed the commotion and hooted softly. “What’s going on here?”

Coco explained his problem to Kavi. The wise owl’s eyes sparkled as he thought of a solution. “I have an idea. Why don’t you try using stones? If you drop stones into the pot, the water will rise, and you’ll be able to drink.”

Coco’s eyes widened with excitement. “Stones? That’s a brilliant idea! I’ll give it a try.”

Without wasting any time, Coco took off into the sky. He spotted several small stones scattered around the village. Using his beak, he picked up the first stone and flew back to the pot. Carefully, he dropped the stone into the pot.

The water level rose slightly. Coco felt hopeful but realized it wasn’t enough. He quickly flew around again, picking up more stones. One by one, he dropped each stone into the pot. With every stone that fell, the water level rose a bit more.

The other birds gathered around the pot, watching Coco with keen interest. They chirped and flapped their wings in excitement, amazed by Coco’s determination. “Look at Coco! He’s really working hard,” one of them said.

Finally, after many stones, the water was high enough for Coco to reach. He dipped his beak into the pot and took a long, refreshing sip. “Ah, that’s much better!” Coco exclaimed, feeling the cool water quench his thirst.

The birds cheered, their happy chirps filling the air. Nimmi ran up to Coco with a big smile. “You did it, Coco! Your clever idea worked!”

Kavi, still perched on his branch, nodded in approval. “Well done, Coco. Sometimes, thinking outside the box and trying something new can solve a problem.”

Coco looked around at the cheering birds and felt a warm glow of pride. “Thank you, Kavi! Your suggestion helped me solve the problem. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the village, Coco felt a sense of satisfaction. He had managed to solve his problem with a bit of clever thinking and hard work. The other birds flew around him, celebrating his success.

Coco took one last look at the pot and the happy birds. He knew that even small creatures like himself could overcome big challenges with a clever mind. With a final flap of his wings, Coco soared into the sky, feeling content and proud of his achievement.

The village quieted down as the day ended, and Coco flew home with a smile on his beak. He had learned a valuable lesson about problem-solving and persistence. The clever crow knew that even when things seemed tough, a little creativity could make a big difference.

As Coco settled into his favorite tree for the night, he thought about the day’s adventure. He was grateful for the help from his friends and the chance to prove that clever thinking could overcome any obstacle.

Moral of the Story: Clever thinking and hard work can solve difficult problems.



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