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Cherry tales by bookdio.

The Clever Frog

When the pond is in trouble, it’s up to Froggy to take the leap of faith.

Animal Stories



When the pond is in trouble, it’s up to Froggy to take the leap of faith.

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Audio Story


The Clever Frog
00:00 / 06:32

“Yaar, it’s so hot today!” complained Finny the Fish, splashing around in the pond. It was midday, and the sun was blazing down on the little pond nestled between the tall trees. The water felt warm, and all the pond animals were just lazing around, trying to beat the heat.

Speedy the Turtle was half-submerged on a rock, his eyes half-closed. “Dude, this is the life, no school, no worries. Just chillin’,” he mumbled, enjoying his sunbath.

Buzz, the hyperactive dragonfly, was zipping back and forth, unable to stay still. “Guys, let’s do something fun. This is so boring!” he buzzed, darting from one end of the pond to the other.

From a quiet corner, Froggy, the cleverest frog in the pond, was watching everyone. He was a small, green fellow with a mind that never stopped working. Froggy liked observing things, noticing stuff that others ignored. Right now, though, he was just stretching his legs, ready for a little jump, when suddenly, he noticed something strange—a weird, oily film floating on the water’s surface.

“Uh, guys? What’s this?” Froggy called out, hopping closer to the water’s edge. The others looked over, their chill vibes immediately disturbed. Finny swam up, wrinkling his nose—or whatever fish have instead of noses. “Eww, what’s that smell? This wasn’t here yesterday.”

Speedy crawled up and poked the oily layer. “Yuck, it’s all sticky. Something’s definitely off,” he said, pulling back in disgust.

Buzz buzzed around, scanning the scene. “This is bad news, guys. The water looks gross. How are we gonna swim in this?”

Froggy narrowed his eyes. “This isn’t just some random mess. Someone must’ve dumped something in the pond. We need to find out what’s going on before it gets worse.”

Speedy yawned. “Relax, Froggy. It’s probably nothing. It’ll go away.”

But Froggy wasn’t convinced. “No way, Speedy. This is our home. If we don’t fix this, who will?” He hopped up onto a rock, rallying his friends. “We need to find out where this junk is coming from!”

The pond crew nodded, slightly reluctant but trusting Froggy’s instincts. They decided to split up and look around. Froggy took the lead, hopping along the edge of the pond, while Buzz zipped above, scanning from the sky. Speedy and Finny checked the water, trying to track the source of the pollution.

After some time, Buzz flew back, excitement all over his tiny face. “Found something weird near the edge, guys! There’s a broken pipe leaking stuff into our pond.”

They all rushed over to see. Sure enough, an old, rusty pipe was sticking out from behind some bushes, dripping dirty, smelly water straight into the pond. It was hidden so well that nobody noticed it before.

“This is bad,” Froggy said, his brain working overtime. “If this continues, the whole pond will get polluted. We won’t be able to swim, drink, or even chill here anymore.”

Finny looked scared. “What are we going to do, Froggy? We can’t fix a pipe!”

Froggy thought for a moment, and then a clever plan popped into his head. “We may not be plumbers, but we can block this pipe. We just need some teamwork!”

Buzz buzzed around with excitement. “Team Froggy to the rescue!”

Froggy explained his plan. “Buzz, you fly and find some big leaves and sticks. Speedy, you push those rocks near the pipe to block it. Finny, get some mud from the pond’s bottom. We’ll use all this to block the pipe temporarily.”

They all got to work. Buzz brought back big, wide leaves, Speedy rolled the heaviest rocks he could move, and Finny scooped up the thickest mud from the bottom of the pond. Froggy coordinated everything, placing the leaves first, then pushing the rocks in place with Speedy’s help. They packed the mud tight around the rocks, sealing the pipe’s mouth.

“Done!” Froggy exclaimed, panting a little. “This should stop most of the dirty water for now.”

They all watched as the water started to clear up, the oily film slowly disappearing. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a lot better. The pond felt livelier already.

Finny swam up to Froggy, smiling. “Thanks, Froggy. We didn’t know what to do, but you saved the day.”

Froggy grinned, feeling proud of his little team. “No worries, guys. We’ll have to keep an eye out and maybe get some help from the humans to fix this for good, but at least the pond’s safe for now.”

Just then, a loud noise startled them all—an engine roaring from the road nearby. They peeked through the bushes and saw a big truck parked with some workers fixing something. One of them looked at the pond and frowned, noticing the blocked pipe.

“Looks like someone’s been trying to fix this mess themselves,” one worker said. “Good thing we’re here to sort it out properly.”

Froggy and his friends exchanged surprised looks. “Guess we weren’t alone in this,” Froggy chuckled.

The workers cleaned up the area, fixed the pipe properly, and left the pond in much better shape than before. The water was clear again, the sunlight bouncing off the surface, sparkling.

“See, Froggy?” Buzz said, hovering above. “Your plan totally worked. We made a difference!”

Froggy smiled wide. “Sometimes you just gotta leap into action, no matter how small you are.”

And with that, the pond was safe, and the friends had learned the power of working together. Froggy leaned back on his lily pad, feeling like the cleverest frog in the whole world, knowing that even small creatures could make a big splash.

Moral of the Story:
When faced with a problem, quick thinking and teamwork can save the day, no matter how small you are!



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