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The Crow and the Peacock

A crow envies a peacock’s dazzling feathers, but he soon learns that true beauty comes from within.

Animal Stories



A crow envies a peacock’s dazzling feathers, but he soon learns that true beauty comes from within.

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The Crow and the Peacock
00:00 / 03:43

Ravi the crow flapped his wings excitedly as he flew through the dense jungle. He had just spotted something amazing.

“Look at that!” Ravi squawked to his friend, Meena the squirrel, who was gathering nuts.

Meena looked up and her eyes widened. “Wow, it’s a peacock! I’ve never seen such beautiful feathers!”

The peacock, named Raja, was showing off his vibrant plumage. The jungle’s sunlight made his feathers shimmer in all colors of the rainbow.

Ravi couldn’t help but feel envious. “Why don’t I have feathers like that?” he wondered aloud.

Meena patted Ravi’s wing. “You have your own beauty. Don’t be sad.”

But Ravi couldn’t shake his feelings. He spent the whole day flying around, watching Raja proudly display his feathers.

Later that evening, Raja strutted past a small pond. Ravi perched on a nearby branch, watching closely.

“Why are you staring at me?” Raja asked, noticing Ravi’s gaze.

“I’m just wondering how you got so many colors,” Ravi replied, trying to hide his envy.

Raja chuckled. “It’s not just about colors. It’s about how you use what you have.”

Ravi tilted his head. “What do you mean?”

Raja puffed out his feathers. “Watch this!”

He spread his feathers wide and danced gracefully around the pond. The reflection in the water made it look like he was surrounded by a sea of colors.

Ravi was amazed, but he still felt sad. He wished he could be as colorful as Raja.

Days passed, and Ravi tried hard to change his appearance. He picked up colorful leaves and tried to glue them to his feathers, but they always fell off.

One morning, while flying near the village, Ravi saw something unusual. A group of children had gathered around a small, colorful kite that had gotten stuck in a tree.

The kite’s bright colors fluttered in the wind, but it was stuck high up and out of reach.

Ravi flew down and noticed the children’s disappointed faces. He wanted to help but felt unsure of his own abilities.

Just then, Raja the peacock appeared. “What’s going on here?” he asked.

The children explained the situation. Raja looked at Ravi and said, “I think you can help.”

Ravi hesitated but decided to try. With his sharp eyes, he spotted a way to use his beak to untangle the kite from the branches.

“Go, Ravi!” Meena cheered from below.

Ravi carefully worked at the kite. His beak was perfect for the job. He soon freed the kite and let it float gently back to the children.

The kids cheered with joy. “Thank you, Ravi!” they shouted.

Raja landed beside Ravi. “You see, Ravi, your unique skills helped today. You don’t need colorful feathers to be special.”

Ravi looked at Raja and smiled. “I think I understand now. It’s not about what you look like but what you can do.”

From that day on, Ravi felt proud of his own feathers. He realized that helping others and being kind were the most beautiful things he could do.

Raja and Ravi became great friends, and Ravi learned to appreciate his own special qualities. He no longer envied Raja’s feathers but was happy to have his own.

And every time Ravi saw a peacock dance, he would smile, knowing that real beauty shines from within.



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