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Cherry tales by bookdio.

The Cunning Crow

How does a clever crow get the tastiest treats? Find out how quick thinking makes all the difference!

Animal Stories



How does a clever crow get the tastiest treats? Find out how quick thinking makes all the difference!

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Audio Story


The Cunning Crow
00:00 / 03:44

Chintu, a small pigeon, looked around and wondered, "Why is the park so quiet?" His feathers were messy, and his beak had bread crumbs on it.

"It's always quiet when Bhondu the crow is around," said Moti the sparrow, fluttering beside him. "He’s always planning something sneaky."

Bhondu the crow was perched on a nearby tree, his sharp eyes watching the other birds closely. He had noticed the pile of food scraps near the park’s picnic area. The pile was full of delicious treats like chunks of fruit and bits of cheese. But the problem was, it was also watched over by a pesky street dog.

Bhondu’s beak curved into a sly smile. "I need a plan," he muttered. "And I need some help."

Chintu and Moti exchanged curious glances. "What are you up to, Bhondu?" Moti asked.

Bhondu hopped down and whispered, "I need you two to create a distraction. Chintu, you make a fuss near the fountain. Moti, fly around the food pile and make a lot of noise."

The two birds nodded, excited by the idea of helping out their clever friend. Chintu flapped his wings wildly by the fountain, making loud, alarming noises. Moti flew circles around the food, chirping loudly and causing a commotion.

The street dog, annoyed by the noise, barked and chased Chintu. Meanwhile, Bhondu sneaked closer to the food pile. His plan was working perfectly. The dog was so focused on Chintu that it didn't notice Bhondu inching towards the food.

As Bhondu pecked at the pile, he saw something shiny buried underneath the scraps. He quickly pulled it out with his beak. It was an old, rusty key. "What’s this?" he wondered.

Just then, a loud rustling came from the bushes. Bhondu froze. Out stepped a group of birds from the nearby jungle, led by a large, majestic peacock named Raja. Raja’s feathers shimmered in the sunlight.

"Good work, Bhondu," Raja said, noticing the food pile. "You’ve found a treasure!"

Bhondu’s eyes widened. "A treasure?"

Raja nodded. "Yes, but it’s not just any treasure. It’s a key that opens an old chest in the park’s storage room. The chest is said to hold the rarest seeds and fruits from around the world."

Excited by the prospect, Bhondu decided to join Raja and the jungle birds in searching for the chest. They followed the key’s clues hidden around the park. Along the way, Bhondu and Raja shared stories of their adventures, and Bhondu learned about the jungle birds’ exciting lives.

Finally, they reached the storage room. With a loud click, the chest opened to reveal an assortment of colorful, exotic fruits and seeds. The sight was breathtaking.

Bhondu felt a sense of pride and joy. Not only had he outsmarted the other birds to get the best food, but he had also discovered something amazing and made new friends.

The birds gathered around the chest, enjoying the tasty treats and sharing their stories. Chintu and Moti joined in, thrilled to be a part of the adventure.

As the sun set and the park grew quiet again, Bhondu looked around at his new friends and the incredible feast. He realized that cleverness was not just about outsmarting others but also about sharing joy and making new connections.

With a happy heart, Bhondu knew he had found something more valuable than food—true friendship and the joy of discovery.



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