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Cherry tales by bookdio.

The Four Friends

When four friends from the forest face a challenge, their unique skills come together to save the day.

Animal Stories



When four friends from the forest face a challenge, their unique skills come together to save the day.

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The Four Friends
00:00 / 04:53

In a lively Indian forest, Chintu the deer was munching on some green leaves. He spotted Kala the crow flying overhead. “Hey, Kala! What’s up?” Chintu called out.

“I’m looking for some shiny things,” Kala said. “I found a small piece of gold yesterday. Thought I’d find more.”

Nearby, Moti the mouse was scurrying through the grass, collecting seeds. He looked up and said, “I wish I could find something more exciting. All I get are seeds and leaves.”

Giri the tortoise was slowly making his way to a cool shade under a big tree. “Hello, friends. It’s so hot today. I’m just trying to stay cool.”

Kala flew down to join them. “Let’s do something together. Maybe we can find an adventure or help someone.”

Chintu’s ears perked up. “That sounds fun! What do you have in mind?”

Before Kala could answer, a loud noise echoed through the forest. The friends looked around in surprise. “What’s that?” Moti asked nervously.

“I don’t know,” Kala said. “Let’s find out.”

The four friends followed the sound. It led them to a big, old banyan tree. They saw a small group of animals gathered around. “What’s happening?” Giri asked.

A wise old owl perched on a branch spoke up. “This tree is home to many of us. But recently, it’s been getting weak and dry. We don’t have enough water.”

Chintu’s eyes widened. “We need to find water for the tree.”

Kala flapped her wings. “I can search from above and find a water source.”

Giri nodded. “I’ll stay here and help keep the animals calm.”

Moti squeaked, “I’ll look for clues on the ground.”

“Let’s all do our best,” Chintu said. “We can help together.”

Kala soared high into the sky. After a while, she spotted a small stream hidden behind some bushes. “I found it!” Kala called out as she flew back.

“That’s great!” Chintu said. “But how do we get the water to the tree?”

“We’ll need to make a path,” Giri said. “The stream is far from the tree.”

“I can help dig a trench,” Moti suggested. “That way, we can guide the water to the tree.”

While Moti dug, Chintu used his strong legs to push away the rocks and debris. Kala flew back and forth, bringing tips on how to make the trench better. Giri, though slow, offered his wise advice on how to make the trench more effective.

After hours of hard work, they had a path ready. They started guiding the water from the stream to the tree. But suddenly, the water flow stopped. “Oh no!” Chintu exclaimed. “What happened?”

Moti ran to check. “There’s a blockage! Something is blocking the water.”

Kala flew closer to inspect. “It looks like a pile of sticks and leaves. Maybe it was built by mistake.”

The friends worked together to clear the blockage. Giri used his strong shell to push aside the sticks, while Chintu and Moti removed the leaves. Kala kept watch to make sure no more blocks appeared.

Finally, the water started flowing again. It reached the banyan tree and soaked the dry ground. The tree began to look healthier and greener. The animals cheered and thanked the four friends.

“Thank you so much,” the wise owl said. “You saved our home.”

Chintu smiled. “We worked together and solved the problem.”

Moti agreed. “Everyone did their part.”

Giri added, “Teamwork makes everything easier.”

Kala fluttered her wings happily. “We make a great team!”

As the sun set, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, the four friends sat together, feeling proud. They had faced a challenge, worked hard, and succeeded.

The banyan tree stood tall and green, thanks to their efforts. The animals of the forest celebrated their success, knowing that with friends like Chintu, Kala, Moti, and Giri, any problem could be solved.

And so, in the heart of the Indian forest, the four friends—Chintu, Kala, Moti, and Giri—continued their adventures, ready to help each other whenever needed. Their friendship and teamwork made every challenge a chance for fun and success.



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