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The Friendly Dolphin

When a sailor is lost in the storm, Dolly the Dolphin becomes his only hope. Can her kindness lead him to safety?

Animal Stories



When a sailor is lost in the storm, Dolly the Dolphin becomes his only hope. Can her kindness lead him to safety?

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Audio Story


The Friendly Dolphin
00:00 / 03:06

The sailor’s boat was getting tossed around like a toy in a giant bathtub. “Help!” he yelled, clinging to his lifeboat as waves slammed over him.

Meanwhile, Dolly the Dolphin was having a blast, flipping through her favorite coral reef. “Whoa, check out that storm,” Chintu the Turtle said, pointing with his flipper. “That’s some serious weather.”

Dolly squinted at the dark clouds. “Someone’s in trouble. Let’s go see if we can help!”

They swam over and spotted the sailor’s lifeboat struggling in the rough water. The sailor was soaked and exhausted, hanging on for dear life.

“Help! Somebody, help me!” he screamed, his voice barely cutting through the storm.

Dolly swam up, her eyes full of concern. “Hey! I’m Dolly. We’re here to help you out.”

The sailor blinked in surprise. “A talking dolphin? Am I seeing things?”

“Nope, it’s real,” Dolly said with a grin. “Hang tight. We’ll get you to safety.”

Dolly swam next to the boat, and Chintu paddled along. The sailor held onto the boat, looking scared but hopeful.

Dolly started singing a chill song to calm him down. “Just keep your eyes on the horizon. We’re almost there.”

But the storm was relentless. The wind howled and the rain pelted down harder. Dolly was starting to get worn out.

Chintu spotted a huge rock up ahead. “Dolly, watch out! We need to steer around it!”

Dolly tried to maneuver, but the storm was making everything tough. The lifeboat was tossed around, and the sailor fell into the water.

“Help!” he yelled, flailing his arms.

Dolly acted fast. “Grab onto me!” she shouted.

The sailor clung to Dolly’s fin, and she pulled him back to the boat. With Chintu’s help, they got him back onboard. But the storm wasn’t letting up.

“We need a new plan,” Dolly said urgently. “We have to find a safe spot soon.”

Chintu spotted a cozy little cove nearby. “Look! That cove could be our safe haven.”

Dolly nodded. “Let’s head there now!”

They swam to the cove, with the sailor hanging on tight. The cove was calm and sheltered from the storm.

As they reached the cove, the storm finally started to calm down. The sailor was exhausted but super grateful.

“Thank you so much,” he said, giving Dolly and Chintu a big smile. “I couldn’t have made it without you.”

Dolly smiled back. “No problem! We’re just glad you’re safe.”

With the storm behind them and the sun starting to shine, the sailor and the dolphins enjoyed the peaceful sea together. They knew they had just been through an epic adventure.



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