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Cherry tales by bookdio.

The Greedy Jackal

When a jackal’s greed leads him into a sticky situation, will he find his way out or face the consequences of his actions?

Animal Stories



When a jackal’s greed leads him into a sticky situation, will he find his way out or face the consequences of his actions?

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Audio Story


The Greedy Jackal
00:00 / 04:27

In a small Indian village surrounded by dense forest, the villagers were preparing for the annual harvest festival. They had made delicious sweets and savory dishes, filling their pots and baskets with all kinds of treats.

One day, a sly jackal named Jitu was wandering through the forest. He had a keen nose and a rumbling stomach. As he passed by the village, the smell of freshly cooked food reached his nostrils. Jitu’s eyes widened in delight.

“This smells amazing!” he thought. “I must find out where this wonderful aroma is coming from.”

Jitu sneaked closer and saw villagers bustling around, setting up tables filled with food. His mouth watered as he watched the villagers prepare.

“There’s so much food,” Jitu whispered to himself. “I could eat all of it!”

Nearby, a little squirrel named Raju was busy collecting nuts for the festival. He noticed Jitu watching from the bushes.

“Hello there!” Raju chirped, “What are you doing in the bushes?”

Jitu tried to act casual. “Oh, just passing by. I was wondering if you could help me find some food.”

Raju, being friendly, said, “Sure! Follow me. The villagers are very generous.”

Raju led Jitu to a large, wooden drum that had been set aside to keep leftover food. The drum was big enough for a small animal to fit inside.

“Look!” Raju said, pointing at the drum. “The villagers put extra food in there. You can have it.”

Jitu’s eyes gleamed. “Thank you, Raju! I’ll just take a quick look.”

Jitu climbed into the drum and started munching on the leftover food. He ate and ate until he couldn’t eat another bite. Satisfied, Jitu leaned back to rest.

Suddenly, he realized he was stuck! The drum had a heavy lid that had fallen shut, and Jitu was trapped inside.

“Oh no!” Jitu exclaimed. “I’m trapped!”

Outside the drum, Raju heard Jitu’s muffled cries and scampered back. He saw the drum lid closed and guessed what had happened.

“Jitu, are you okay?” Raju asked.

“I’m stuck!” Jitu shouted. “Help me out!”

Raju thought for a moment and said, “I’ll go get some help. Don’t worry!”

Raju raced through the village, calling out to the villagers. “Help! Help! The jackal is trapped in the drum!”

Villagers gathered around the drum, curious and concerned. They tried to lift the heavy lid, but it wouldn’t budge.

Meanwhile, Jitu was starting to panic. He realized how greedy he had been and how it led him into this predicament.

The village elder, a wise old man named Mr. Rao, approached the drum. “Let’s think carefully,” he said. “We need to find a way to free Jitu without damaging the drum.”

Mr. Rao suggested using a few tools and working together. With everyone’s effort, they managed to lift the lid slightly and help Jitu out.

Jitu emerged from the drum, looking embarrassed. “I’m really sorry,” he said to the villagers. “I was too greedy and didn’t think about the consequences.”

The villagers looked at Jitu with kindness. “We understand,” Mr. Rao said. “Just remember, greed can sometimes lead to trouble.”

Jitu nodded, feeling grateful. “Thank you for rescuing me. I promise I’ll be more careful in the future.”

The villagers invited Jitu to join the festival. Even though he had been greedy, they showed him the value of kindness and forgiveness. Jitu enjoyed the festival with the villagers, learning a valuable lesson about moderation and gratitude.

From that day on, Jitu became a friend of the village. He no longer let his greed control him, and he always remembered to be thankful for the kindness he received.

And so, the festival ended with laughter and joy, and Jitu was happy to have learned an important lesson.

The End.



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