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Cherry tales by bookdio.

The Kind Deer

Discover how kindness transforms the forest and brings unexpected magic into the life of one very special deer.

Animal Stories



Discover how kindness transforms the forest and brings unexpected magic into the life of one very special deer.

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Audio Story


The Kind Deer
00:00 / 04:05

In the heart of a bustling forest, a rabbit named Raju was frantically hopping around. “Where’s my favorite carrot?” he muttered, looking under every leaf.

Nearby, a wise old owl named Asha watched Raju with concern. “Lost again, Raju?” she hooted softly.

“I can’t find it anywhere!” Raju replied, his ears drooping.

Just then, a sleek deer named Dinu walked up. Dinu was known across the forest for his kindness. He noticed Raju’s distress. “What’s the problem?” he asked gently.

“I’ve misplaced my carrot. It’s not just any carrot; it’s the one I saved for my birthday feast!” Raju’s eyes were wide with worry.

Dinu nodded thoughtfully. “Don’t worry. I’ll help you find it.”

Together, they began searching. Asha flew overhead, her keen eyes scanning the forest floor. “Check near the old oak tree,” she suggested. “Sometimes things hide there.”

As they approached the old oak tree, Dinu noticed something strange. A small, shiny object was glinting in the sunlight. “What’s that?” he wondered aloud.

Raju’s eyes widened with hope. “Is it my carrot?”

They reached the spot, and to their surprise, it wasn’t a carrot but a sparkling key. “How odd,” Dinu said. “Why would a key be here?”

Asha swooped down and inspected the key. “I’ve seen something like this before,” she said. “There’s a hidden door in the forest. It’s said that the forest spirit guards it.”

“Really?” Raju and Dinu asked in unison.

“Yes,” Asha confirmed. “Let’s find the door. It might help us understand why the key was here.”

The trio ventured deeper into the forest. After a while, they stumbled upon an ancient, vine-covered door hidden behind thick bushes. Dinu used the key to unlock it.

The door creaked open, revealing a path lined with glowing flowers. They followed the path until they reached a clearing where a shimmering figure awaited them. It was the forest spirit, glowing softly.

“Welcome, kind-hearted Dinu and friends,” the forest spirit said in a melodious voice. “I’ve been watching you. Dinu, your kindness to others has not gone unnoticed.”

Dinu and his friends were amazed. “But we didn’t do anything special,” Dinu said humbly.

The forest spirit smiled. “Kindness is special. It makes the world brighter. As a reward, I will grant you a wish.”

Raju looked at Dinu, then at the forest spirit. “Could we wish for a garden full of carrots?” he asked. “So we never have to worry about losing them?”

The forest spirit’s eyes twinkled. “A garden of carrots it shall be. And for you, Dinu, a special gift.” The spirit waved its hand, and a beautiful, enchanted charm appeared around Dinu’s neck. “This charm will always lead you to those in need.”

With that, the spirit vanished, leaving behind a sparkling trail. Raju and Dinu returned to the forest, where they discovered a magical garden brimming with bright, delicious carrots.

The animals of the forest gathered, amazed and thankful. “Thank you, Dinu!” they cheered. “You’ve brought us a wonderful gift.”

Dinu smiled, his heart full. “It was all about helping one another.”

From that day on, Dinu’s kindness continued to shine, and the forest thrived with joy and harmony. And whenever Raju or any other animal needed help, Dinu and his magical charm were always there.

And so, the forest remained a place of wonder and warmth, where kindness and magic went hand in hand.



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