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Cherry tales by bookdio.

The Little Witch

A young witch learns that magic isn't the only way to be special. Sometimes, the best magic comes from within.




A young witch learns that magic isn't the only way to be special. Sometimes, the best magic comes from within.

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Audio Story


The Little Witch
00:00 / 04:49

Once upon a time, deep in the quiet woods, lived an old talking broom named Sweeper and a wise, sleepy owl named Hoot. Sweeper liked to sweep leaves outside the little cottage all day. “Swish, swish,” he would hum as he brushed the leaves away. Hoot, the owl, spent most of his time on a high branch, blinking slowly and saying, “Whoo, whoo,” whenever something caught his eye.

“Another lovely day, Sweeper,” said Hoot one morning as he watched the sun peek through the trees.

“Yes, Hoot,” replied Sweeper. “But it would be nicer if our little friend woke up earlier!”

Inside the cozy cottage, snuggled under a patchwork quilt, lay the Little Witch, Luna. She had soft black hair and a big, pointy hat that always looked just a bit too big for her head. Luna loved sleeping in, especially on sunny mornings. She loved her spells and potions but was never quite on time with her chores.

“Luna, it’s time to get up!” Sweeper called out as he swished by her window.

Luna yawned and stretched. “Five more minutes,” she mumbled, but she knew it was already time to start her day.

After finally getting up, Luna grabbed her magic wand and headed outside. “Good morning, everyone!” she said with a big smile.

“Good morning, Luna!” Hoot and Sweeper replied.

Today was a special day because Luna was supposed to practice her magic. She wanted to make something big, something amazing that would impress everyone. “I’m going to make the biggest pumpkin anyone has ever seen!” Luna declared excitedly.

Sweeper nodded, and Hoot hooted with joy. “That sounds wonderful, Luna,” said Sweeper. “But don’t forget to focus.”

Luna pulled out her spellbook and began to read aloud. “Biggest pumpkin, grow so wide, make it stretch from side to side!” She waved her wand, but instead of a big pumpkin, a tiny one appeared, smaller than an apple.

“Oh no,” Luna said, looking disappointed. She tried again. “Biggest pumpkin, grow so tall, bigger than this cottage wall!” Luna chanted louder this time. But the pumpkin grew just a little, and then it stopped.

“Why won’t it work?” Luna sighed, feeling frustrated.

Sweeper gently brushed up beside her. “Magic doesn’t always go the way you want, Luna. Maybe try something else?”

But Luna was determined. She wanted to show everyone how powerful her magic could be. She tried making the flowers bloom, but they just wiggled a little. She tried making a big rainbow, but only a tiny one appeared, just big enough to fit in a teacup.

“Why can’t I get it right?” Luna whispered, her eyes starting to fill with tears. “I’m supposed to be a great witch.”

Hoot flew down and landed next to her. “It’s okay, Luna,” Hoot said softly. “Sometimes, things don’t go as planned. That doesn’t mean you aren’t special.”

Luna sniffled and nodded. “But I want to do something amazing. I want everyone to see how good I am at magic.”

Just then, they heard a rustling sound in the bushes. A little bunny hopped out, looking scared and lost. “Oh dear,” said Luna, kneeling down. “Are you okay?”

The bunny’s nose twitched, and it looked up at Luna with big, frightened eyes. Luna didn’t think about magic spells or impressing anyone. She simply scooped the bunny up gently. “There, there, little one. It’s okay,” she whispered, holding it close. The bunny snuggled into her arms, feeling safe.

Sweeper and Hoot watched quietly. Luna’s kindness was shining brighter than any spell.

“You did something amazing, Luna,” said Sweeper softly. “You helped that little bunny feel safe.”

Luna looked at the bunny, who was now hopping around happily. “I guess I did,” she said with a smile. “Maybe magic isn’t the only way to do something special.”

“That’s right,” said Hoot. “You don’t always need magic to be a wonderful witch.”

From that day on, Luna still practiced her spells, but she didn’t worry if things didn’t go perfectly. She spent her days helping her friends, exploring the woods, and always being kind. Luna learned that being a witch wasn’t just about spells and potions. It was also about being caring, brave, and true to herself.

And so, every night, Luna, Sweeper, and Hoot would sit outside the little cottage, watching the stars. Luna would close her eyes and whisper, “I’m a great witch, with or without magic.”

And she truly was.

The End.



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