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The Runaway Kite

When a kite breaks free, it explores the world from high above. Will it find its way back home?




When a kite breaks free, it explores the world from high above. Will it find its way back home?

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Audio Story


The Runaway Kite
00:00 / 04:51

It was a calm, sunny afternoon in a little town. The streets were quiet, and the trees swayed gently in the breeze. Mrs. Miller was watering her flowers, and Mr. Brown was fixing his bike in the driveway. A little bird sat on a branch, chirping a sweet song. Everything felt peaceful.

On the hill by the park, a boy named Tommy was flying his bright red kite. He held the string tightly, laughing as the kite danced in the wind. “Look at it go, Mom!” Tommy shouted. His mom smiled, sitting on a bench nearby with a book in her hand.

Tommy loved flying his kite. Every day after school, he would run up the hill, excited to see it soar high above the town. The kite fluttered happily, its long tail trailing behind like a ribbon.

But today, the wind was a little stronger than usual. It tugged at the kite, pulling it higher and higher. Tommy’s grip slipped, and suddenly, the kite’s string slipped from his hands. “Oh no!” Tommy gasped. He tried to grab the string, but it was too late. The kite was free!

The runaway kite floated up, higher and higher, catching the wind’s breath. It flipped and twirled, exploring the sky. Tommy watched, his mouth open in surprise. “Come back, kite!” he called, but the kite did not listen. It had its own adventure now.

The kite flew over rooftops, past chimneys and tall trees. It could see the whole town from up above. There was Mrs. Miller, still watering her flowers. There was Mr. Brown, now riding his bike in circles. The kite felt excited—it had never been this high before!

As it drifted along, the kite met a little bird flying nearby. The bird chirped and fluttered close. “Hello there!” the kite seemed to say, dipping low as if to greet the bird. The bird chirped back, flapping its wings happily.

“You’re up high,” said the bird, swooping around the kite. “Where are you going?”

“I don’t know!” the kite replied, spinning in the wind. “I’m just flying wherever the wind takes me!”

The bird giggled. “That sounds fun! But be careful. The wind can be tricky.”

The kite nodded, or at least it tried to, wobbling in the air. “I’m not afraid!” it said, but the wind blew a little stronger, pushing the kite toward the big oak tree. The kite swerved just in time, narrowly missing the branches.

The kite floated over the town square, where people were busy with their day. It saw the bakery with its delicious-smelling bread, the toy shop with colorful balloons, and the fountain where kids splashed on hot days.

But then, the wind began to change. It slowed down and became softer. The kite started to sink lower and lower. It drifted past the post office, just missing the flagpole. It swayed and dipped, trying to stay up, but the wind was no longer strong enough to hold it.

“Oh no,” the kite thought. “I’m coming down!”

It floated gently down onto the roof of a small blue house, landing softly. It was quiet now, with no wind to lift it back up. The kite lay there, looking at the sky it had just explored.

The little bird landed next to the kite. “Looks like your adventure is over,” the bird chirped.

The kite sighed. “I guess so. I didn’t want it to end this soon.”

The bird smiled. “Don’t worry. You’ll fly again. Maybe even higher next time.”

Tommy had been following the kite the whole time, running through the streets and past the park. He finally found it on the roof of the blue house. “There you are!” he said, relieved. With his mom’s help, he reached up and carefully pulled the kite down.

Tommy held his kite close. “You went so far,” he whispered, smiling. “I wish I could have seen everything you did.”

The kite didn’t say anything, but it seemed to shimmer in Tommy’s hands as if it had a secret to keep. Tommy rolled up the string and headed back home, holding the kite tight.

That evening, as the sun began to set, Tommy lay in bed, thinking about the kite’s adventure. He imagined what it was like to fly so high, to see the whole town, and to feel the wind beneath his wings. He knew that one day, he and his kite would have another adventure together.

“Goodnight, kite,” Tommy whispered, drifting off to sleep. And in his dreams, the kite soared once more, high above the town, with the wind as its guide and the sky as its playground.

The story of The Runaway Kite reminds children that sometimes, things don’t go as planned, but new adventures can bring unexpected joy. And even when an adventure ends, there’s always the promise of another waiting just around the corner.



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