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The Sleepy Little Bear

A young bear struggles to find the perfect spot to sleep before winter.




A young bear struggles to find the perfect spot to sleep before winter.

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The Sleepy Little Bear
00:00 / 04:20

In a quiet forest, where the trees stood tall and the air smelled of pine, lived a little squirrel named Sammy. Sammy was busy every day, running up and down trees, gathering acorns for the winter. He loved his acorns and always kept them in a big pile near his cozy tree hole.

One afternoon, Sammy chattered to himself, “One more acorn, then I’ll be ready for winter.” But as he reached for an acorn, he saw a sleepy little bear stumbling through the woods.

“Hello, Bear!” Sammy called. “Why do you look so sleepy?”

The bear yawned and stretched his paws. “I can’t find a good place to sleep,” he said. “I’ve looked everywhere, but nothing feels right.”

Sammy tilted his head. “Why not try your cave?”

Bear shook his head. “It’s too cold. The wind sneaks in and makes my nose freeze!”

Just then, Owl, who lived in a big oak tree nearby, swooped down. She was wise and often helped the animals with their problems. “What’s going on?” she asked, her big eyes blinking in the sunlight.

“Bear can’t find a place to sleep!” Sammy said, pointing to his friend. “The cave is too cold.”

Owl thought for a moment. “Hmm, why not try the bushes near the river? They’re thick and soft.”

Bear’s eyes brightened. “That sounds nice! I’ll try it.”

Bear walked to the river and crawled under the bushes. He tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, but every time he moved, a twig poked him. “Ouch! This isn’t soft at all!” Bear grumbled. He climbed out and shook the leaves from his fur.

Bear trudged back to Sammy and Owl. “The bushes were too pokey,” he said, rubbing his back.

Owl flapped her wings and nodded. “Then what about the old oak tree? It’s warm and snug inside.”

Bear climbed into the hollow of the oak tree and curled up. But it was too tight, and his legs stuck out. He tried to fit, but no matter how much he squeezed, there just wasn’t enough room. “It’s too small,” Bear sighed. “I need more space.”

Owl and Sammy thought hard. The sun was starting to set, and Bear looked even sleepier. His eyes were half-closed, and he let out a big, tired yawn.

“Let’s think,” Sammy said, tapping his tiny foot. “Where can Bear go where it’s not too cold, not too pokey, and not too small?”

Just then, Bear’s tummy growled loudly. “Oops,” Bear said, a little embarrassed. “I guess I’m hungry too.”

Sammy giggled. “You’ve been searching all day. No wonder you’re hungry!”

Bear nodded. “Yes, I need a good meal and a good sleep.”

Then, Owl suddenly had an idea. “Bear, why not make your own nest? You could gather soft leaves, pine needles, and moss. It would be just right for you!”

Bear’s ears perked up. “Make my own nest? I never thought of that!”

Sammy clapped his tiny paws. “That’s perfect! I’ll help you find the softest leaves.”

So, Bear, Sammy, and Owl worked together. Sammy found leaves that were as soft as a blanket, Owl brought down fluffy feathers she found on the ground, and Bear pulled moss from the rocks near the stream.

After a while, Bear’s nest was ready. It was round and cozy, with soft leaves and moss all around. Bear climbed in and wiggled his nose. “It smells so nice,” he said happily.

Sammy smiled. “And it’s just right for a nap.”

Bear snuggled down, his eyes closing as he felt the warmth of his new bed. “Thank you, friends,” he murmured. “This is the perfect spot.”

Owl and Sammy watched as Bear drifted off to sleep. The stars twinkled above, and the forest grew quiet, wrapped in the gentle glow of the moon. Owl flew back to her tree, and Sammy curled up in his hole, happy that they had helped their friend find a place to rest.

As Bear slept, he dreamed of spring, when the snow would melt, and he would wake up to play with his friends again. But for now, his soft, cozy nest was the perfect place to dream.

And that night, as the forest whispered its soft lullaby, the sleepy little bear finally found his perfect spot to rest.



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