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The Snake and the Frog

When a clever frog faces a hungry snake, who will come out on top? Discover the surprising twist in this pond adventure!

Animal Stories



When a clever frog faces a hungry snake, who will come out on top? Discover the surprising twist in this pond adventure!

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Audio Story


The Snake and the Frog
00:00 / 03:56

A big splash echoed around the pond when a large snake slid into the water. His name was Nag. He was hiding in the bushes, watching the frogs as his stomach growled with hunger.

Nearby, two frogs, Chintu and Mintu, were enjoying a game of leapfrog on their lily pads. “I bet you can’t jump as far as me!” Chintu challenged.

Mintu grinned. “Oh, you’re on!” They both leaped high, laughing as they landed on different lily pads.

From the reeds, Nag’s eyes glinted. “I’ve got to have those frogs for lunch,” he hissed quietly.

Suddenly, Chintu spotted Nag’s shadow moving under the water. “Mintu! Look out!” he yelled, hopping quickly to the edge of their pad.

The frogs scrambled to safety as Nag’s head popped up, his eyes focused on them. “What’s happening?” Mintu asked, frightened.

Nag slithered closer, his tongue flicking. “I’m hungry, and you look delicious.”

Chintu, who was always thinking fast, whispered to Mintu, “We need a plan. Fast!”

Mintu nodded. “Let’s get the others and come up with something.”

The frogs quickly gathered their friends, including a wise old turtle named Gattu and a chirpy dragonfly named Piku. “Nag’s trying to eat us,” Chintu explained. “We need to stop him.”

Gattu, moving slowly but wisely, suggested, “We could distract him and set a trap. But it needs to be clever.”

The frogs agreed. They decided to use their best skill—croaking loudly—to confuse Nag. They started making a huge noise, croaking in harmony.

Nag was puzzled. “What’s that sound?” he wondered, looking around in confusion.

While Nag was distracted, Chintu and Mintu worked quickly. They gathered large leaves and used them to create a fake path leading away from the pond. At the end of the path, they dug a shallow pit and covered it with more leaves.

As Nag followed the noisy croaking, he saw the shiny path and slithered after it. “This looks interesting,” he thought.

But as soon as he reached the end of the path, he fell into the pit with a loud splash. “Oh no!” Nag exclaimed, wriggling and trying to escape.

The frogs and their friends watched from a distance, holding their breath. “We did it!” Chintu whispered.

Nag struggled in the pit, his anger growing. “Let me out!” he hissed. “You’ll pay for this!”

Piku, the dragonfly, buzzed around, excited. “This will teach him a lesson about messing with us!”

Gattu nodded in agreement. “We should leave him there for a while. It’s safer for us and will give him time to think about his actions.”

The frogs celebrated with a big feast of water lilies and insects. They danced and croaked in joy, grateful for their clever plan.

The next morning, Nag was still stuck in the pit. The forest animals, seeing the snake’s predicament, decided to help him out. They gently lifted him out and warned him to stay away from the pond.

Nag slithered away, grumbling. “I’ve learned my lesson. I won’t bother you again.”

Chintu, Mintu, and their friends went back to their playful activities, happy and relieved. The pond was peaceful once more, thanks to their quick thinking and teamwork.

From then on, the frogs enjoyed their days by the pond, hopping and playing without fear. And every time they croaked loudly, it wasn’t just for fun—it was a reminder of their clever victory.

The end.



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