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Beating the Beast Goldmine




Entrepreneurship, Business, Career & Growth, Finance


Everyday hundreds, thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people decide to investigate the idea of working from home or starting their very own homebased business. They have heard of others that have done so who have been very successful...maybe even wildly successful at it.



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About the Book

Every day hundreds, thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people decide to investigate the idea of working from home or starting their very own home-based business. They have heard of others that have done so and have been very successful...maybe even wildly successful at it. Some of these people are very computer-savvy individuals. They may even have the ability to build their own web pages.

They certainly know the ins and outs of operating a computer. Others aren’t all that computer savvy but they think they have a great idea for Internet business and are sure that they can find a way to follow their dream. The Internet really is the great equalizer.

The level of formal education that a budding Internet entrepreneur has doesn’t seem to have much bearing on the degree of success that they can achieve on the Internet or how much of a failure they can become. There are those who have reached dizzying heights of success who never finished high school and those who have hit rock bottom who have multiple college degrees.

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