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Network Marketing Superstar




Business, Sales & Marketing


Network marketing or Multi-level Network Marketing (MLM) is a method of marketing that makes use of independent sales reps as a way to reach a wider range of networks, where conventional methods such as traditional online or offline advertising wouldn’t work. It is a very popular business opportunity for people looking to work part-time doing flexible jobs.



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About the Book

Ever come across an ad on TV using the term “Independent Insurance Agent”, or something similar? These individuals are not really employees of the company; they operate independently by purchasing a product sample starter kit, which usually costs a few hundred dollars, and with that they get an opportunity to sell the product line to their own contacts, friends, family, etc.

These types of programs rely on an individual’s ability to influence their network and sell products; and when properly executed, both parties benefit. Many network marketing programs require participants to recruit more sales reps, and as a participant adds to their own “downline”, sales made by the new recruits generates income for those above them.

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