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Overall Health




Health, Lifestyle


Engaging ourselves in physical activities is very important regardless of our age and status in life. This is because staying healthy doesn’t need a requirement to be able to start. Exercising daily will help us improve our overall health and reduce the risk of any illness.



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About the Book

For kids, it is best that they begin benefitting from physical exercise at a very young age so that as they develop to adolescence and adulthood they will sustain the value of physical exercise. Additionally, it is very important that they engage in physical activities as it can maintain healthy body weight.

Kids that don’t exercise and don’t have any other physical activities will likely become overweight. Also, too much of sedentary activities such as playing video games, watching TV programs, surfing the net and the like will increase the chance of becoming obese. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce physical exercise to kids as early as possible for they to stay away from unhealthy activities.

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