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13 Things Women Weren't Allowed to Do 100 Years Ago

Updated: May 4, 2023

13 Things Women Weren't Allowed to Do 100 Years Ago by

  1. Vote in elections: Women were not allowed to vote in elections, the right to vote was only given to men.

  2. Serve on juries: Women were not allowed to serve on juries in courts, as it was believed that their role was to take care of their homes and families.

  3. Attend certain colleges and universities: Women were not allowed to attend certain colleges and universities, and their educational opportunities were limited.

  4. Work certain jobs, such as doctors or lawyers: Women were not allowed to work in certain professions such as doctors or lawyers, which were considered to be male-dominated fields.

  5. Keep their own earnings if married: Women were not allowed to keep their own earnings if they were married, as their husbands had the legal right to their income.

  6. Divorce their husbands without extreme circumstances: Women were not allowed to divorce their husbands without extreme circumstances, such as adultery or abuse.

  7. Travel alone or without a male chaperone: Women were not allowed to travel alone or without a male chaperone, as it was considered improper for women to travel unaccompanied.

  8. Wear pants in public: Women were not allowed to wear pants in public, as it was considered to be unfeminine and inappropriate.

  9. Participate in most sports or athletics: Women were not allowed to participate in most sports or athletics, as it was believed that physical activity was harmful to women's health.

  10. Speak publicly or give speeches: Women were not allowed to speak publicly or give speeches, as it was believed that women should not be in the public eye.

  11. Join certain organizations, such as the Masons or Rotary Club: Women were not allowed to join certain organizations, such as the Masons or Rotary Club, which were exclusively for men.

  12. Own property in their own name: Women were not allowed to own property in their own name, as it was believed that women were not capable of managing their own affairs.

  13. Have access to certain forms of birth control: Women were not allowed to have access to certain forms of birth control, as it was believed that it was the woman's duty to bear children.

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