Everyone has something they enjoy doing in their free time. Some hobbies are more common, like #crafts, playing games, or yoga. Others, not many people have heard of. Below is a list of hobbies found from all over the world that aren’t typically #hobbies people start with.
1. Tree Shaping
This hobby requires people to make odd shapes out of trees. You can train live trees and other plants of wood makeup to grow into artistic shapes and useful #sculptures. To do this requires a lot of patience and creativity.

2. Beetle Fighting
For this hobby people choose different #beetles to fight each other. Sometimes, people who are really into this hobby will specifically breed beetles just for fighting.

3. Rock Skipping
Did you know that a very dedicated person with this hobby set a record at 51 rock skips? For this hobby, all you have to do is throw a flat rock onto the surface of water and try to make it bounce as many times as you can. It’s a very simple, yet relaxing hobby that people enjoy.

4. Geocaching
This hobby consists of you finding treasures in plastic containers called geocaches which hold special items inside. To find the containers you use either your phone or GPS. People find enjoyment out of this hobby because it gives them the opportunity to explore the world around them.

5. Element Collecting
This hobby entails people collecting elements off the periodic table. People typically do this in their own way and of different purities. It’s highly recommended that you do not collect any of the elements that are poisonous, radioactive or a heavy element.

6. Taxidermy
It is said that the “art” of taxidermy is having a comeback from the 1800s when it was most popular. People who take part in this hobby are trying to persuade people that it is not cruel to animals. They see it as though they are saving these animals from being road kill. These people do this type of work out of respect for the animals, not out of cruelty.

7. Soap Carving
This hobby is viewed very highly in Thailand. People with this #hobby carve unique shapes into soaps and then sell the soaps to people as souvenirs.

8. Competitive Dog Grooming
In China, competitions are held for the people with this hobby. People will groom the dog’s fur into different shapes, making the dogs appear as different #animals. Some of the animals have had fur shaped as dinosaurs, turtles, and dragons. If you’re successful, you can win as much as $30,000 from a single event.

9. Collecting Antique Milk Bottles
People who take part in this hobby often collect milk bottles because it brings back memories from when they were younger and milk was delivered to their homes. They do this hobby for enjoyment and for memories.

People find enjoyment in doing different things. Some hobbies just aren’t heard of as much as others might be. Whatever your hobby is, though, the only thing that matters is that you get enjoyment out of the things you do in your free time.